Accomplishments as of FY 2019-2020

families reached
new projects approved

We are united to end poverty!

Philippine Business for Social Progress is the largest business-led social development NGO 
at the forefront of corporate citizenship that contributes to sustainable development and poverty reduction. 
Established in 1970, PBSP remains to be the consultant and partner of choice of companies and donors.


We seek to reduce morbidity and mortality, improve nutrition, and achieve universal health coverage among poor families.


Our Education program helps disadvantaged and poor children and youth complete basic and secondary education.


We capacitate communities with improved sustainability of natural resources, and enhanced adaptability to climate change effects.


We seek to improve income and access to livelihood and employment for poor families.

United for Luzon

We are raising funds to assist families affected
by Typhoons Rolly and Ulysses!

When Typhoons Rolly and Ulysses hit the country, millions of people were affected
and thousands of families were displaced to evacuation centers. 
The typhoon caused immense flooding and damages to lives and properties.

With your support, we can help provide

their basic needs and essentials during these trying times.